A recruiting is a collaborative process, every member of hiring team needs to be well aware of the reasons why a particular candidate was rejected. Jobsoid helps you with this by allowing you to state rejection reasons.
A candidate may be moved to the 'Rejected' stage of the recruitment pipeline either when the interviewers do not find the candidate to be a good fit for the said job profile at the time of screening or when he does not clear his interview or when he refuses to accept the position offered to him. The Rejection Reasons come into the picture in this scenario.
Add Rejection Reasons
1. Go to Customize section in Settings
2. Now, click on Disqualify Reason. A list of some pre-defined reasons will be shown to you
3. To add your custom reason, click on Create New Reason button
4. In Add New Reason form, enter the reason in the Reason text box
5. Choose the appropriate reason type from the Type drop-down
6. Click on Save button and save the reason
Edit a Rejection Reason
1. Click on the Edit icon beside the reason on the Rejection Reasons list
2. Enter the desired reason in the Reason text box
3. Kindly note that you will not be allowed to change the Reason Type while editing a rejection reason
4. Save the changes by clicking on Save button
Delete a Rejection Reason
1. Click on the Delete icon against the rejection reason
2. A message box asking you for the confirmation will be shown to you. Please note that Jobsoid will not allow you to delete the reasons which are already associated with the candidates
3. Click on Delete button, and the reason will be removed from the list
You can also add disqualify reasons directly to the desired category. Click on (+) Add Reason which is present below the rejection reasons list.