Jobsoid allows you to coordinate with your recruiting team to have discussions about the candidates as well as assign tasks to them.
To add comments on a candidate profile,
1. Go to the desired candidate profile
2. Click on Comments
3. Write your comment in the given text area. You can also apply some formatting to your comment
4. In addition to this, you can also mention your team member in your comment. This will notify them about the same and help you in catching their attention. Type '@' followed by the name of your team member. Jobsoid will also suggest you names of your team members. Choose the desired name by simply clicking on it
5. You can set visibility permissions on your comments as well. Click on the drop-down on the left corner of Comments tab and choose the desired option
6. Click on Save button
Your comment will be saved and added to the RECENT ACTIVITY immediately. The concerned team member will receive a notification (Read: How to manage Notifications and Frequency) about the same.
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