You wouldn’t want every single detail about the candidate and his recruitment status to be shared with every member of your hiring team. You can create user accounts having different access permissions on Jobsoid.
You can read more about various User Roles and their access permissions.
Creating a user account:
1. Go to the Organization section on the Settings page
2. Click on Users
3. Click on (+) New button on the top right corner. This will open up Create User form
4. Enter the first and last name of your team member in the First Name and Last Name text boxes respectively
5. Enter his email address in the Email text box
6. Enter his mobile number in Mobile text box. If your team number is based in some other country, you can change the country code by clicking on the drop-down and choosing the desired one
7. Select the user role from the Role drop-down
8. Click on Save button
The names of the Users along with his role will be displayed on the Users page.
Editing the details of an existing user:
1. Click on the Edit icon against the username on the Users page. This will take you to Edit User form
2. Make the required changes and click on Save button
Deleting a user account:
1. Click on the Delete icon against the username on the Users page
2. A message box asking you whether you are sure about deleting the user account will be shown to you
3. Click on Delete button
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