Contacts are basically your clients. A contact could be a person or a company you are or were working with. Jobsoid allows you to save all your client details in your ATS.
You can now communicate with your clients directly without using any external emailing software. Your entire email communication is saved in the activity log on the Contact Details page.
To create a Contact (Person or Organization), navigate to the Contacts module on the top navbar.
1. Click on (+)New button to create a New Contact. This will open a New Contact form
2. Select the appropriate type of contact you are creating by selecting from the Person/Organization tab
3. Enter your Contact’s name in the given text box
4. Select the Organization Name from the Organization drop-down in the case if you are saving details of a Person
5. Enter the details - email address, phone number, postal address, website details and social networks links in the respective text boxes
6. You can also save multiple email addresses, phone numbers etc. To do so, click on (+) Add button in the respective sections
7. Click on Save button to save the details
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